Starting a lucrative business is one of the best things you can do for your finances. It does not matter if you’re a stay at home mom or college student. You can earn extra cash to have financial stability. When people think about starting a business, they may worry about the start-up cost. This may prevent them from starting a business. Luckily there are 5 lucrative businesses that you can start for less than $100. Listed below are some small business ideas that are affordable.
Create Low Content Books
Have you ever wanted to publish a book on Amazon but do not have the chops to write a book? Creating low content books is a great business to start for under $100. You can make planners, sketchbooks, journals, or coloring books.
Websites like Creative Fabrica has interiors that you can download and modify to make it an easier process. If you’re not a graphic designer, you can hire graphic designers on Fiverr to create your book cover.
Become a Freelance Writer
Freelancing is one of the best businesses to start for little money. You don’t even need a website to begin your freelance business. Websites like Upwork, Guru, and LinkedIn are places that you can find clients. The best thing about freelancing is being able to charge as much as you want.
Some types of freelancers are graphic designers, digital marketers, and writers. Starting a freelancing business is one of the best things you can do to have financial freedom.
Sell Digital Products on Etsy
Selling a digital product on Etsy is an affordable business to start. You don’t have to worry about having any inventory. Digital products consist of planners, printable art, and printable greeting cards. The list goes on and on. You can create your printables by using Canva or Photoshop. If you need graphics for your printables, you can use Creative Fabrica to download affordable graphics such as clipart and fonts.
Earn Money as an Affiliate
Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable businesses to start for less than $100. All you have to do is find a product to promote and talk about it on your blog, YouTube, or social media page.
You can sign up for various affiliate networks like Amazon Associates and Share a Sale. After you apply to some programs, you will receive a personal referral link. Every time someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you make a profit.
Create Ebooks
Writing ebooks is a fun business to start for little money, especially if you love to write. Instead of writing novels or novellas, you can make money writing short ebooks on any topic. Nonfiction writing can be a lucrative passive income opportunity. You can use websites like Fiverr to create a book cover or find a ghostwriter if you don’t like to write. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Google Play Store are the best stores to upload your ebook.
Businesses That You Can Start for Under $100 Conclusion
Starting a lucrative business for less than $100 is not as hard as it may seem. These small business ideas will help you find the right business for financial stability, all while doing something you love.
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