Hot Domain pickups that are being sold with no reserve on Flippa
Here is a list of amazing pickup domains that are being sold on Flippa with a reserve of $1. IMO these are unbelievable for any investor to develop it web properties, many are generic and are well aged. Finding high quality domains are hard to come by. - 1,612 Exact/mn - CPC $14.34 - Category Defining Domain Reserve $1 Superior Financial Domain - Great Investment for .info Lovers That is correct Reserve $1 for 7 days. Guess what the reserve has been met and bids are currently at $1 so join us before it is to late! - Absolutely No Reserve 11 yrs. Old 75,020 Searches/mn .com sold $16000. Bids are currently at $6 so everyone interested come join us! Reserve $1 - Two Premium Domains .com/.info Category Owning - Exclusively Listed Superior Single Dictionary word Domains - Great Investment for .com and .info Lovers. Reserve Met bids at $11 with 15 days left. Dont miss out! ULTRA-FAMOUS acronym! ✱ $1 Reserve, 246k searches ✱ DREAM adult domain NSFW content, or "Not Safe for Work," is EXCEPTIONALLY popular on the Internet. Here is your chance to own a RARE, exact match domain that has the potential to generate MILLIONS of visitors. Reserve Met $1 bids are currently at $1,675 with 9 days left. If your thinking about bidding, just do it. NO RESERVE - Enormous Opportunity - Trillion $ Flight Industry - Genuine LR2! NO RESERVE - One of our finest domains yet! Aerospace encompasses the entire branch of flight (aviation & space) and earns trillions of dollars. Wow, enormous opportunity! Genuine LandRush2 domain! Reserve Met $1 Bids currently at $50 I would say hope this is a [...]